Monday, June 8, 2009

Creating Metadata Repository

BPEL Metadata Repository is a place where all the information about a deployed BPEL processes and all its instances(running, errored or stale) is stored. Metadata Repository resides on a database specified during the advance installation of SOA Suite or on ORALITE database provided by oracle with SOA Suite for basic installation.

Creating Metadata Repository:

To create Metadata repository an IRCA script must be executed on the database. The script creates three schemas on the database viz. orabpel, oraesb and orawsm. IRCA stands for 'Integration Repository Creation Assistant'. To run the IRCA script follow the steps as below:
  1. Set ORACLE_HOME in your for using SQLPLUS.

  2. Connect to the database.

  3. Set JAVA_HOME.

  4. Execute the (UNIX/Linux)/irca.bat(Windows) command located in the soa_schemas\irca folder of the SOA Suite Installaion to load the schema into the target database.

    IRCA provides two execution modes: silent and interactive.

    In the silent mode, you provide all the execution parameters in a single string, using the syntax:

irca[.sh] all ["server port servicename"] [database password] -overwrite [schema name] [schema password]...

Breakup of command:

all : for all schema

server: database location

port: port on which service is running

servicename: name of the service(for eg: xe in case of xe database)

database password: password of the database

overwrite: overwrites the existing definition of schemas

schema name: name of the schema(orabpel oraesb or orawsm)

schema password: any password you provide

for eg:

irca[.sh] all "localhost 1521 orcl" welcome -overwrite orabpel orabpel oraesb oraesb orawsm

In the interactive mode, you invoke the command by specifying only the schema to be loaded:

irca[.sh] orabpel

The utility prompts you for the database details and the passwords.

NOTE: If basic installation is done then IRCA script is not required.

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